By James
Let’s say I brought you into a room that was completely dark – not a single photon existed in this room, but I was aware that there was a dial inside the room and I knew, from experience, where it was. As I turned the dial, it emitted photons of light from a point source into the room focused with a precision I controlled. If I turned the dial up the number of photons increased to such an extent that you would begin to see objects in the room, very dimly at first, but nevertheless, you would see that the room was not a black void, but rather, consisted of objects that were present in the room, even though you didn’t yet know what the objects were.
Let’s say I brought you into a room that was completely dark – not a single photon existed in this room, but I was aware that there was a dial inside the room and I knew, from experience, where it was. As I turned the dial, it emitted photons of light from a point source into the room focused with a precision I controlled. If I turned the dial up the number of photons increased to such an extent that you would begin to see objects in the room, very dimly at first, but nevertheless, you would see that the room was not a black void, but rather, consisted of objects that were present in the room, even though you didn’t yet know what the objects were.
Now, if I focused the photon emitter to a specific object, and turned up the dial high enough, you would see that it was the human soul. If I turned the dial up even further and diffused the photons in a wider pattern, you would see the God-Spirit complex infusing the human soul like a circulatory system. If I continued to turn the dial up, releasing more photons into the room, you would see that there were objects, far in the distant background, behind the God-Spirit-Soul Complex, and yet these objects were even more dimly illuminated and mysterious in their expressions.
The objects that stand behind, so dimly lit as to remain unknown, are the Sovereign Integral and its collective expression: First Source.
The God-Spirit-Soul Complex (GSSC) exists in this room, and is the first object to be illuminated by the light. In the faint light of a few thousand photons, the GSSC becomes subject to interpretation by thousands, if not millions, of spiritual explorers. No one sees it clearly enough to define it definitively, and therefore the interpretations persist from one era to the next.
The God-Spirit-Soul Complex (GSSC) exists in this room, and is the first object to be illuminated by the light. In the faint light of a few thousand photons, the GSSC becomes subject to interpretation by thousands, if not millions, of spiritual explorers. No one sees it clearly enough to define it definitively, and therefore the interpretations persist from one era to the next.
If I turned the photon emitter to the objects in the distance, and turned up the dial, the viewer would now perceive that the Sovereign Integral is unconnected to the God-Spirit-Soul Complex, and that the GSSC is something that actually suppresses or obscures the view of the Sovereign Integral. It is impossible to turn the light on the Sovereign Integral without also illuminating its suppression by the GSSC, but this does not mean that those who transmit the GSSC are deluded or insincere. It only means that in the deeper reality of the Sovereign Integral, the GSSC is revealed to be a form of suppression and it is not connected in any substantive way to either the Sovereign Integral or First Source.
Bridges are being built from the GSSC to the Sovereign Integral because there are individuals that are aware of the Sovereign Integral state at an unconscious level, and they are constructing bridges from the GSSC to this deeper reality unaware as to the ultimate destination of their bridge.
So hose who are channeling are not conscious of the specific source from which their information arises. Channeling is a Human Mind System insert and its original source may be unknown, undisclosed, or falsely attributed. It is not from the Sovereign Integral state nor that of First Source, as this information would not be transmittable in words or images. Whenever you see words and images, you must know that they arise from within the HMS, and, yes, that includes these words.
Those who try to build bridges from the HMS to the Sovereign Integral state have no choice but to use words, sounds, techniques, technologies, and images to inspire human beings to embrace this new era of transparency and expansion. Because these “bridges” express with the tools of the HMS, even when they try to reveal the “deeper objects in the room,” they are only able to reveal the general shape and outline.
This is all part of the transition process, but as I have always said, be prepared to jettison your beliefs – see them as disposable – for they are not appendages of the Sovereign Integral, because beliefs are from the mind and only of the mind. (*)
This is all part of the transition process, but as I have always said, be prepared to jettison your beliefs – see them as disposable – for they are not appendages of the Sovereign Integral, because beliefs are from the mind and only of the mind. (*)