By James
As you may have already surmised from my previous answers, the Sovereign Integral is the re-conceptualized expression of the human soul during the era of transparency and expansion. This era will be anchored in the experience of the Grand Portal, which is the consciousness of First Source – Sovereign Integrals unified and self aware – living upon Earth. This is the era whose shoreline we have just touched, and those tools, techniques, mental models, and methods of the previous age, well, they are not relevant, just as the abacus is not relevant in the age of computers.
The era of transparency and expansion is all about bringing walls down. It is not about the absorption of more knowledge and information.
As you may have already surmised from my previous answers, the Sovereign Integral is the re-conceptualized expression of the human soul during the era of transparency and expansion. This era will be anchored in the experience of the Grand Portal, which is the consciousness of First Source – Sovereign Integrals unified and self aware – living upon Earth. This is the era whose shoreline we have just touched, and those tools, techniques, mental models, and methods of the previous age, well, they are not relevant, just as the abacus is not relevant in the age of computers.
Yes, I’m aware that I’m being very direct here, but it is time to be direct and truthful without over care to consequences and how people may respond. Look at it this way, and I am not picking on Eastern spirituality, but you ask me about kundalini and so I’ll respond accordingly, but what I am saying applies to all of the traditional methods and mental models regardless of their cultural roots.
Kundalini is a complex system of energy manipulation within the human instrument culminating in enlightenment of the mind. It is a system of ascension where a teacher who knows how to activate the kundalini helps the student orchestrate their chakra or energy system. Well, what is energy? In the dimensions of the Sovereign Integral there is no energy. There is no fluctuation of energy. There is no yin-yang of energy. Energy is a concept of the mind. So those who spend endless hours working with energy, where has it taken you?
Energy exists in the HMS. It is real in the physical world. It is indisputably a part of the human instrument, and yet, the Sovereign Integral is constant, aware, awake, observant, alive, infinite, and, as odd as it may seem, it is not energy. It is not of energy. It does not require energy. It is not existent because of energy. Before there was energy there was the Sovereign Integral. Before there was a Human Mind System, there was the Sovereign Integral.
You might say, “Okay, but doesn’t the practice of kundalini (or any other legitimate ascension practice) accelerate my ability to understand the Sovereign Integral?” And my answer would be a qualified, “yes,” but only to the degree you are willing to release what you have learned and establish a new First Point that doesn’t include separation or complexity. Once you have invested yourself in a proficiency rank, accrued your expertise, are proceeding to become a teacher, you are in danger of being attached to the irrelevant and obsolete, and these can become like vines that cling to you and constrict your flexibility of movement to the new era in which we now move and have Our Being.
Let me be clear, for those who believe that a master can pronounce special words to them, as in the case of Deeksha (related to kundalini), and by these very words, cause them to be magnetically drawn to enlightenment, they are deluded. If someone believes they are enlightened by reading any book, they are deluded. If someone believes they can repeat a mantra and they are enlightened, they are deluded.
I am not trying to be confrontational here, but the simple facts are that billions of people on this planet are deluded in their practice of spirituality, the occult, religion, and yes, even science. They practice what they believe will move them closer to truth, when they themselves are truth, and their practice only creates thicker walls between awareness and truth. The era of transparency and expansion is all about bringing walls down. It is not about the absorption of more knowledge and information.
Quantum Pause is not related to kundalini or the belief system that surrounds it. In homage to Gertrude Stein, one could say that a breath technique, is a breath technique, is a breath technique, but that has not been my experience. While Quantum Pause is indeed a breath technique at its core, it is also a method to leave the human instrument and experience the Sovereign Integral state of consciousness. This is because breath is the highway or portal out of the human instrument, if done with the appropriate First Point.
Remember that the astral and mind domains are within the human instrument, so we are not interested in journeying there since they remain inside the Human Mind System, and are thus illusory and misleading. Quantum Pause is a method or process of disentangling from the Human Mind System, realizing that your self-definitions and identifications with culture, family, religion, spirituality, material possessions, money, and purpose, have been programmed and are not really who you are.
This is a difficult path for many people to accept, but this is what Quantum Pause is designed to achieve. It is the breath, enabled through Nature, that is life-giving to the human instrument, and it is the human instrument that is life-giving to the Sovereign Integral within the manifested physical reality of Earth. Thus, breath is the link, and Quantum Pause enables this link to be nurtured, expanded, strengthened, and made stable.
It is also important to understand that everything I bring forward for an individual’s consideration should be treated as a framework, not a prescriptive technique that should be followed rigidly. Individuals need to take responsibility for establishing their own exploratory techniques, methods of expansion, and new behaviors of disentangling from the HMS. Quantum Pause is a framework, not a specific system. With the web (an analogue of the Genetic Mind), there are ways to share your adjustments, add-ons, alterations, and new techniques, and I would encourage people to do this.
One last comment on the application of Quantum Pause, the big “wow” experience is not the fish you are trying to catch. You are not trying to attract anything to you; you are not trying to learn new information or become more knowledgeable; you are not trying to move energy around in your body; you are not trying to leave your body; and you are not trying to commune with your higher self or God. Your purpose, in applying Quantum Pause, is to pull down the walls that separate you from that state of consciousness that you are, and will always be, and have always been.
Quantum Pause is designed to align you with the transparency and expansion of this era of which we are all a part. (*)