The WingMakers Mythology

By James

Firstly, one of the seven WingMakers sites are situated on each continent, not representative of a chakra system, but rather the realm of the symbolic that is hidden in every culture. The WingMakers mythology is a bridge from the Sovereign Integral to the Human Mind System, and it is designed to awaken this interest by releasing the masks of the HMS in favor of the identity of the Sovereign Integral. It is a preparation process that is different for every individual, but every individual in the human instrument is imprisoned within the HMS to varying degrees.

I have always said that the WingMakers Materials are encoded, and that these encodings are designed to prepare the individual to awaken to the deeper structures (outer prison walls) and help the individual ease their way into the new territory of the Sovereign Integral. The Sovereign Integral is not a realm of eternal ease, beauty, freedom, painlessness, and ultra creature comforts. Rather, it is an awareness of how we are all one and equal with First Source, and that this makes each of us responsible for the prison and the outflow of its dysfunctional events.

How can one leave the body upon death and circulate in a realm of heaven that is beautiful and inspiring while their fellow humans are left to suffer on Earth in the prison of their unsuspecting HMS? Some would say this is because of karma and that these poor beings incarnated to serve in this capacity. Even if this were true, does this relinquish you from a responsibility to support and help your fellow humans? Remember we are all one. We all exist in the Tone of Equality as sovereigns united as First Source.

What happens to one happens to all.

When I speak of those who are lost in the prison without knowing it, I am not referring only to the downtrodden – those starving in refugee camps, those with insurmountable health dilemmas or those in abusive relationships (to name a few). No, I am referring to virtually all of humanity incarnated on Earth and those who have moved on to the astral or mental planes and yet remain in the prison. If you are unrealized of Self as the Sovereign Integral, you are somewhere within the prison, and though it is obvious, it must be said – this includes the prison guards and warden.

Now, the robotic force you refer to (the Animus in the WingMakers mythology) is a symbolic representation of the dark force. They are not real, in the sense that they represent a threat to humanity now or in the future.

Those who have lifted their consciousness and deepened their perceptions to the point where they can sense the Sovereign Integral and experience it – no matter how fleetingly – they are the ones who must express this new state in truthfulness and directness. It is the time of the Nunti-Sunya, which is the messenger of stillness or emptiness. This is the ancient, encoded term for the End of Imprisonment. The “emptiness” is the quantum presence or state in which the Sovereign Integral exists.

Our threat is the Human Mind System and its self-perpetuating nature. (*)


