“The resistive behaviors, these are withdrawing and stopping behaviors that support separation and deception. These are active resistances. Saying ‘no’ to behaviors of your own and others, without judgment.”
“You need to start from the point of distinguishing your life essence in the now. Center yourself in nowness through being still and breath aware. Initially this may take some time, but it happens quicker with practice. Thought patterns that connect you to separation need to be stopped. Behaviors, too.
You can simply say, I’ve identified a behavior that supports separation in this world. Let’s say I have believed that Muslims are less moral than atheists, and therefore less likely to get into heaven than someone who doesn’t even believe in god. This is a belief or thought form that relates to separation. I can say, stop that, but it’s not really effective for most people. I can resist the belief every time it expresses itself in my life, but many of these beliefs are so subtle and subconscious that we don’t even realize how they express themselves in our behaviors and choices.
If you apply the heart virtues to yourself, like forgive yourself for having these perceptions, have some compassion for yourself that everyone is infected with these separation beliefs from their subconscious and unconscious mind layers. Be humble that making this resistive alteration is not just about you, but in a way, it’s about everyone, because we are one. Appreciate the fact that you’re working on this for the good of all. Have valor that you can stand up and resist these separation complexes that lurk in your programmed consciousness framework.
You can see how I used the heart virtues to effectively deal with a belief or perception that separated me, not just from Muslims, though they were the target in this particular example, but when you draw separation lines around anyone, you’re operating from the consciousness system implant, and it only supports the Hologram of Deception.”
“It’s a process—both for the individual and the human race. We work on it, together. We resist behaviors of separation and insert behaviors of oneness and equality. We disengage from the thoughts, ideas, beliefs, principles, people, organizations, currencies, food, clothing, fashion, toys, and everything else within the Hierarchy whose roots are nourished by separation.”(*)