The cause behind the era of transparency and expansion is multi-faceted, but let me speak to its purpose before I suggest its cause, as they are always related. The purpose of this new era is the transfer of knowledge, relative to the Sovereign Integral, so that humanity can begin living – through authentic self-expression – the behaviors of the Sovereign Integral here on Earth. In other words, the deceptions that have persisted in this world, the systems of cover-up, will be gradually dissolved, and as this macro-process unfolds in parallel with the individual knowledge transfer, First Source may inhabit the dimensional worlds for the First Time.
This has been referred to in various spiritual texts as “Heaven on Earth”. In Lyricus we refer to this as the Grand Portal, but while the precise meaning may be different, the general event is the same.
Now, as to its cause, the era of transparency and expansion is an outgrowth of the Sovereign Integral’s natural presence; benevolent interdimensional Beings; the transformation of Earth/Nature in terms of timespace; and the portal into the interdimensional realms which has been opening up in the past ten years. Let me take these one at a time.
The Sovereign Integral exists here and now, an infinite Being hidden in what some would call the finite human body-mind system or human instrument. Within this presence, the Quantum Presence, there is a quantum-level connection between all life expressions, and it is through this connection that transformation – of the whole – is possible. As more individual expressions align to First Source, and dedicate their self-expression as an outflow from the Sovereign Integral, this new awareness and capability transfers to all life. In other words, the Quantum Presence transmits, and as it transmits, it transforms the whole. To be sure, this is a process and takes eons of time, but it is now reaching a critical mass within Earth, Nature and humanity.
Analogous to this is the use of the Genetic Manipulation System (GMS) by other interdimensional entities who, unlike Anu, have a benevolent purpose. Remember, I stated earlier that the GMS is an open system, and it was for this reason that other interdimensional beings were so interested in humanity. Those beings referred to as the Greys are, but one example. Within the known multiverse, the human instrument is unique, and it is for this reason that other races have such an obsession with its qualities and capabilities.
These interdimensional races use spaceships as the means through which they cross vibrational domains. In other words, it is not space they are traversing, as we think of space; rather, it is negotiating vibrational densities for which they use their spaceships. If they stay for extended periods in our vibrational domain, they will manifest and become visible to our senses, and if they are manifested for extended periods of time, they will be unable to return to their dimension. This is due to our gravitational fields and the subtle differences between the two domains of existence.
Some of these interdimensional beings, those who have become materialized, have moved into underground bases, or, in some instances, have transformed their physical bodies to allow them to integrate reasonably well into human society.
Curiosity in the human condition is the principle reason that UFOs and extraterrestrial influence and interaction exist. Humanity has been examined and investigated like no other specie, and while Anu was very clear that other races could investigate, they were not to influence. However, there were certain beings that were not beholden to Anu, and operated independently of the Anunnaki and their allies, and here I am referring directly to the WingMakers.
The GMS is connected to the unconscious region of the Human Mind System. Thus, if a modification vis-à-vis the GMS is made in a fractional percentage of humans, it is transferred to the human family through the unconscious or Genetic Mind. The story of how the WingMakers utilized the GMS to open portals between the human domain and the interdimensional domains would require more time to explain than I have in the context of this interview, but let me just say that the WingMakers attuned some of the implants within the GMS to enable certain individuals of the human family to re-conceptualize, and in some instances, experience, the human soul liberated of the GSSC imprints.
Earth/Nature is undergoing its own transformation, stimulated by its resonance with new spatial energies and its own awakening as a result of the human condition. Earth/Nature is well aware of the human influence upon its domains, and this influence has stimulated its defenses or strategies of continued existence. It is perhaps hard to comprehend that Earth/Nature is aware of the Human Mind System when we ourselves remain largely ignorant of our condition, but it is true. Earth/Nature realizes that humanity must awaken to its true essence, or Earth/Nature will be destined to live enslaved to those who are themselves enslaved.
The transition of the Earth is not dependent whatsoever on any savior or technology. Bear in mind that the human family, dimensional beings, Earth, Nature, and Universe are all unified in the Tone of Equality (as described in the WingMakers philosophy). This equality is precisely why separation is not real. Anything that is of separation exists in deception or the HMS.
Relative to the portals that were opened between the human dimension and that of the interdimensional realms, this occurred, for the first time, in 1998. These portals were revelatory examples of how Anu had deceived virtually all beings through the creation of intermediary domains that were designed programs, within programs, within programs, for the purpose of positioning Anu as God of all.
There are all of these accounts in the historical record of individuals traveling into the Heavens and meeting with the angels and masters. These accounts are so numerous as to make it seem as if it were almost common. It is not. Before the portals were opened in 1998, those who were traveling into the Heavens were interacting with realms of the mind and/or astral domains. The era of transparency and expansion began in 1998 and it will continue indefinitely into the vast future that awaits humanity and its interdimensional allies. (*)