Authentic Forgiveness

By James

To be clear, I am not suggesting that terrible Earth/Nature changes are imminent or unavoidable, rather, I am saying that no one will be immune from their effects when they occur because we are one and equal to all in existence. There are those within the Elite that believe they have immunity, but they are so lost within their HMS programs that they are deluded and brainwashed into believing their actions will not rebound upon them, follow them into the next dimension, and encase them until they forgive and are forgiven.

This forgiveness is not a Biblical expression or religious platitude; it is the nature of the Sovereign Integral to remain inaccessible until the individual in the human expression (HMS) rises up within themselves and announces to their local universe: NO MORE! No more will I be part of this deception. No more will I contribute my energy to the works of deception. No more will I stand idle while others suffer. No more will I shake in my self doubt and allow those in power to decide my fate. No longer will I be sucked into the distractions of the Elite. No longer will I reserve my activism for a future time… the time is NOW.

If you do this – not only in words but deeds – you will see a space open up in your life; a sort of emptiness and stillness that lacks human embroidery or definition. This is the place in which you can stand-up and radiate the oneness, equality and truthfulness of the Sovereign Integral. This is the activism that will change the world. It will not be the organizations, the sects, or the militias that bring change. They cannot stand up to the Elite. Only the Self, the Sovereign Integral, operating in harmony with Earth/Nature can stand-up to the Elite and usher in the era of transparency and expansion.

When you voice the genuine and sober self-assessment in all of its textures and subtlety, you are inviting the new behaviors of the Sovereign Integral. These are all signs of authentic forgiveness; they are not the sanctimonious, over emotionalized capitulations of a guilt-ridden follower who intones the ritual of forgiveness like a machine. In apathy, blindness, or utter devotion to the Money Power Grid, it is all the same relative to accessing the Sovereign Integral state. You will be shut out. Forgiveness is the active formula of self-assessment of your present situation and the application of new behaviors that are in resonance with the Sovereign Integral.

Look upon your life every moment and see if you are operating in the HMS or are quietly going about the business of cutting the threads that bind you. If you feel your behaviors reflect a state of oneness, equality and truthfulness, then you are in resonance with the Sovereign Integral. (*)


