
By James

Anu encoded within the human being a desire to search for enlightenment, and at the same time, he created the God-Spirit-Soul Complex to partially satisfy the search. I say “partially” because for most people the search begins down one path, but then moves to another, and another, and another. Over the course of a lifetime, the average person has searched through dozens of religious, scientific, occult, and spiritual paths, and yet their search continues. This is because the program that is encoded into human beings and reinforced by the HMS, stimulates the search for God-Spirit-Soul outside of the individual, even when the teaching represented declares that the “Kingdom of Heaven is within.”

If you were the creator of humanity, and you wanted to keep secret the one thing that would answer all questions pertaining to the Self, making any search for truth obsolete, where would you hide this amazing secret? If you were wise, you would place it right in front of everyone, but also place within your creation the insatiable desire to search for truth in books, lectures, spiritual savants, saints, prophets, sages, spiritual techniques, shamans, witches, ancient texts, churches, synagogues, mosques, ashrams, websites, and a hundred other places. That is how to hide the answer to everything from everyone, and this is precisely what Anu did.

The Eastern concept of Direct-Realization or Self-Realization or God-Realization is part of the bridgework I mentioned earlier*, but it is, with few exceptions, still connected into the realization of the God-Spirit-Soul Complex through the mind. There are some, who have glimpsed the Sovereign Integral state, but it is a very small percentage, and to some degree, this meager percentage is due to the monetization of the spiritual hierarchy of the Eastern paths and their propensity for separation via their teacher-student ordering.

Those who have access to the Sovereign Integral state, can repeat their accessibility at will. They have access to the interdimensional realms outside of the HMS and its tributary systems of suppression, they understand how to fuel this access to the Sovereign Integral state, and, conversely, how to starve the suppression framework. These are an exceedingly small number of human beings.

If you read Cosmic Consciousness by Richard Maurice Bucke, he provides an accounting of some of our greatest spiritual explorers throughout history, detailing how they were imbued with a mysterious, non-physical light and a clear sense of union with all life. In virtually every case, the experience of cosmic consciousness was a sudden, inexplicable and profound feeling of oneness with the universe, a feeling that lasted for many days and positively affected them the remainder of their life. Most of those who experienced this cosmic consciousness felt that they had become a “channel” of this energy through their writing, art, and life’s work.

But these events are not repeatable, the experiencer is not able to slip into the heavenly domain at will, nor do they have clear knowledge of what is real and what remains a deception. This is no fault of these forerunners of humanity, but I am merely making the point that it is a different experience, and from my perspective, it is an experience within the HMS.

First Source is not God, not as human beings understand what God is. God, as an entity, independent of you or me, does not exist – though there have been those (i.e., Anu) who believed themselves to be God and masqueraded as one. First Source is the collective of Sovereign Integrals throughout the multiverse, and that which binds them is Source Intelligence. The entire GSSC, as conceived by Anu, was modeled on this reality:

God = First Source
Spirit = Source Intelligence
Soul = Sovereign Integral

But these concepts are not the same. If one says, “I am self-realized and therefore enlightened,” are they enlightened of the GSSC? Or, are they an experiencer of the Sovereign Integral state of consciousness beyond the HMS? If it is the latter, you will not find them on book tours, giving lectures, establishing schools or ashrams, speaking in the lecture circuits, creating a spiritual path, healing for money, profiteering from their experience, or claiming they have special powers that others lack.

Anu wanted to ensure that spiritual and religious seekers would be caught up in the heavens of his creation. This is why the search outside oneself is so powerfully encoded, why we feel this separation of body and soul, and soul and God; why we cling so tenaciously to the diluted and disempowered versions of First Source, Source Intelligence, and Sovereign Integral found in the God-Spirit-Soul Complex; why our thoughts and prayers, so filled with hope, speak to a mask of First Source that is not one and equal with ourselves.

The fuel of our HMS is anger, greed, disappointment, irritability, blame, fear, resentment, and other so-called negative emotions, caused in large measure because of our lack of understanding that we are all one and equal, and that that truth is the basis of life. Those who have ventured into the clear waters of the Sovereign Integral have a responsibility to share the process of stripping away the masks and deceptions, living in the world, but not being of it, and this means that they do not participate in the deceptions of the HMS.

This process is as simple as practicing the Quantum Pause, the Six Heart Virtues and persisting until your last breath. There is no one to pay for this. There is no master or teacher. There is no school or rank of proficiency. There is no book to read or lecture to listen to. It is simple and easy. If you resonate with this approach, you can try it and see if it feels natural to you. There will be no one judging you if you decide not to pursue it to your last breath… other than yourself. (*)


