
By James

One can read this interview* and walk away feeling that an existential aura has been placed around them. That their concepts of God, Spirit, Soul, and everything affiliated, which they have been taught or elected to believe, has been challenged. Even those who have followed the WingMakers materials with dedication will find that I have changed the footing of those materials somewhat in this disclosure.

If you have ever ventured to an exotic destination, one that is culturally unlike your own, you’re well aware that when you are in the airplane, flying over your destination, you really have not experienced the culture yet, no matter how much you have studied it in advance. When you arrive at your hotel, you remain outside of the culture, though you can see the differences in the plants and animals, the architecture and buildings, and the people on the streets, but still, you remain outside of the culture as an observer, and not a participant.

Only when you learn the language of the people, when you meet the people in their own dwellings – homes, shops, cafes, sports arenas, schools, churches – do you really begin to understand the culture. This is analogous to the bridgework between the GSSC and the Sovereign Integral. There is nothing more exotic or out of the ordinary than the language and dwellings of the Sovereign Integral, and the deeper you travel into this land, the stranger it will seem.

If I disclosed all of what is there in 1998, or even today, the bridge would only carry a handful of people. It would seem a rickety and dangerous bridge to cross over, and many who would be curious or tempted would be talked out of crossing because it was just too strange. And so the bridge was constructed to meet certain people where they lived and how they believed. Those who resonated with the key terms and definitions, or an element of poetry, or music, or art, they found a texture, or structure that gave them a sense of connection, a sense of curiosity, and it was enough to bring them onto the bridge.

To use my previous metaphor, they are now landing at the “airport.” They are seeing the exotic land of the Sovereign Integral from their airplane seat, looking out of a small, glass window into a vast, new world. Remember, the First Point, as you step from the plane, is your breath, your heart and the virtues of its wisdom, as this is not a destination where the language is anything more than breath and virtuous self-expression. It is this simple.

I realize there will be those who will read this interview and a hundred more questions will flutter about them, perhaps only two or three will really matter in the moment, but the desire for more information and knowledge is a powerful addiction of the HMS. I would advise that you turn your attention from the acquisition of information and knowledge, and apportion it to the application of the heart virtues to yourself and all others within your local multiverse, and then simply listen to your breath, and each time you turn your attention to your breath, lean a little closer to the Being inside you, in the centermost point of your existence. Feel this bond strengthening and have the conviction that any walls that have been placed between you, or will be placed between you, will be torn down.

If your focus is there, you will find access to everything, including the language of the Sovereign Integral and how to reawaken its culture within you, and live among its dwelling places. 

It is the era of transparency and expansion.


In closing, since this was your last question, I want to add that I realize my answers may cause a sense of being lost in some people – perhaps not at first, but over the days and weeks ahead, you might come to this place in your process. I want to assure you that this is normal. This feeling of being lost is a consequence of letting go of the things that bind you to your Human Mind System, and anything that cuts these threads that bind you, that asserts that your extensive, multi-lifetime beliefs have been based on programs of deception, is a very hard thing to accept without a sense of loss or a feeling of being lost.

All I can tell you is that for some of you, when you feel you have gone astray – uneasy in your every thought and feeling – you are the closest to being found. Let this recognition comfort you. The realizations of the Sovereign Integral come in waves for most people, they are like layers being peeled, one at a time, that gradually allow the full realization, and when this realization may occur for each of you is a thing best left in the mystery. You will not know when it will arrive, but in the new era, the conditions are favorable and the process is quickening with preparations like Quantum Pause.

Please be patient with your process. Within Lyricus we call this process The Origin Point because when it occurs you experience yourself outside of the Human Mind System and you feel your Self has returned to its origin, but of course it has never left, it only feels like a return when you are transitioning from the Human Mind System to the Sovereign Integral, and this sense of return only lasts a split second until the truth is fully recovered. 

For those of you who have followed the works of and, you may be wondering why my answers are so direct and come from a different geometry than my previous works. There are several reasons: one is that we are in a new time, the era of transparency and expansion is underway and it is colliding with the Elite agenda. Another reason is that you are hearing about some of this material for the first time. And finally, as part of my personal undertaking to reveal the next level of the Sovereign Integral, it is necessary to strip off some of the rounded edges of the bridging that was invested in the original version of the concept.

Each of you must ask yourself the questions: Who would I be if masters, or God, or Light, or an extraterrestrial savior did not exist? What would I do if I was all of these in my world? It is time to take responsibility for your self. To rise up and embody the oneness, equality and truthfulness of who you are, because you cannot stand behind a Supreme Being or Master and truly express the Sovereign Integral state of consciousness.

The bottom line is that all of this empire of deception, what I have been referring to as a prison, had to be created in order to enslave humans without them knowing they were enslaved. And all of the work that has been done since Anu’s first enslavement of humanity has been deception because humans would never have gone along without it being this way, and Anu and the Elite knew this as a certainty.

First Source is re-activating itself within the human family, you can have the condition of forgetfulness, but it is not forgetting. You have not forgotten.


From my heart to yours,

James (*)


